If you can ride, then you can glide!
Romicycles and Romitrikes are custom built here in Southern California. Being local allows our customers to reach us quickly and easily. We are all about recycling and reusing. With a cutting edge design we convert existing bicycles into Romicycle and Romitrike! Our design is unlike no other with center based handlebars allowing you to be posture friendly and making it simple to ride. It is unique like nothing else! With Romicycle and Romitrike, we make riding fun again!
Photo credit Ezra
Whether you ride all the time or haven’t been on a bike since you were a kid, we have the perfect ride for you to boost your style. We have adult and children's bikes with its custom notable design, its center based handlebars making it simple and comfortable to ride. From different styles we transform mountain bikes, cruiser bikes, tricycles, fixies and more. We have something fun for everyone in the family. See why others love their Romicyle and Romitrike, then leave us a message to get started finding your own perfect style.
Photo credit Ezra